By Jeremy Norine Unson

How can proponents increase their chances of approval for the Technology Application and Promotion Institute (DOST-TAPI) funding programs? Let's face it: Securing funding isn't easy. A brilliant idea isn't always enough; evaluators look for a well-crafted proposal. At DOST-TAPI, that process often begins with a writeshop. 

By Lawerence San Diego, Josiah M. Poyugao

Imagine this: You’re going about your day, doing your chores, or working on your daily work tasks.  As you go through the motions, you catch yourself thinking, “There’s got to be an easier way to do this!”

We’ve all had those moments where tasks start to feel bothersome. But what if, instead of just doing it, there is a different approach to these everyday challenges with a fresh and innovative perspective?

Here are some common situations you’ve probably encountered, and how Filipino innovations supported by DOST-TAPI offer the solutions you’ve been looking for.