By Shane Rachel del Rosario

USHER Technologies Inc’s HOCLOMAC proved that bright ideas, coupled with strong commitment, could make waves in the international invention scene after bagging the silver award in the WorldInvent Singapore (WoSG) 2024 last July 9-11, 2024. 

Developers Dr. Francis Uy and Engineer Carissa Jane Santos shared that their winning moment was a culmination of their promising commitment to developing local technologies that would cultivate disaster resilience in communities. 

“For our product to be recognized internationally was a proud moment for me as one of the product developers and for our company, USHER Technologies Inc. because we continue to promote and encourage locally-made technology, especially for disaster resilience,” they expressed. 

WoSG is an international invention show organized by the Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Association which aims to showcase innovative solutions to pressing global challenges.  It also serves as a platform to collaborate and connect with inventors, innovators, researchers, and entrepreneurs. 

Aside from bagging the silver award, they also received an award for Best International Invention and Innovation from the National Research Council of Thailand. 

“Another winning moment was when the National Research Council of Thailand awarded us a gold medal for Best International Invention & Innovation. I became prouder of our innovation and gained motivation to continue to develop innovations like HOCLOMAC that can help our community,” Dr. Uy and Engineer Santos shared. 

The HOCLOMAC is one of the DOST-assisted Filipino innovations and technologies that competed in the WoSG.  It is a low-cost portable disinfectant generator that produces hypochlorous acid by combining water, salt, and vinegar. 

The solution made from the device could be used in several industries such as hospitals, clinics, hotels, schools, industrial buildings, food processing plants, and agricultural farms. 

Through the innovation, the USHER team presents a promising solution that would help communities prepare for future pandemics.

Engineer Santos and Dr. Uy shared their feat with the entire USHER Technologies Inc. team and to the people who helped them develop the innovation. 

“The team would like to thank everyone from USHER Technologies, Inc. for their unwavering support and encouragement, [and] to the HOCLOMAC Team who continues to give their best to develop this product,” they said. 

They also expressed their gratitude to the Department of Science and Technology for its support. 

“[We would like to thank] DOST-TAPI for the opportunity to join the contest with HOCLOMAC and their unwavering support in promoting local inventions, [and] DOST-PCHRD for their support because it was through them that we were able to improve and enhance HOCLOMAC to make it commercially available,” Dr. Uy and Engineer Santos said. 

For Dr. Uy and Engineer Santos, their feat in the international Singapore invention show has also cultivated a commitment to further improve and explore various opportunities for their innovation, not only to contribute to the Filipino community but also to other countries. 

“The WorldInvent Singapore 2024 has opened many opportunities for us to collaborate with different innovators and interested investors internationally. For our invention, we would continue to improve its functionality and marketability to contribute to the international community,” they shared. 

They also aim to explore how the HOCLOMAC can help other industries and sectors. 

“We would further explore the various applications of HOCLOMAC not only to the health sector but to other industries as well. We believe our product is beneficial for the community, especially in disaster preparedness,” they said. 

HOCLOMAC's achievement in the international scene is a testament that small ideas could transform into extraordinary solutions that could help the present and future generations respond to pressing global challenges. 

Dr. Uy and Engineer Santos advise Filipino innovators to continue believing in their inventions and purposes. 

“Believe in your invention and always remember your mission.  Your mission will be your drive to pursue the success of your invention.  We can do it.  We are recognized internationally and our hard work and sacrifices will always be worth it in the end,” they concluded. 

** This article is part of the "SPICE: Science and Technology Promotion for International Contest and Exhibits" campaign for the participants of the WorldInvent Singapore 2024. For more information and event updates, visit the DOST-TAPI website at**