TEC re. Commercialization of UH1Shofar.Mass Notification System for Local Disaster of IBED II Program
Honorarium re. Support to the Commercialization of DOST-Generated Technologies under PCHRD's
Designating Mr. Joycel N. Aguilar as Petty Cash Fund Custodian
Attendance to the 'Free Virtual 46th Seminar Series on Food and Nutrition Researches and S&T Activities (FSS)'
Reconstitution of TAPI's Performance Management Team (PMT)
Authorizing Ms. Elizabeth I. Garcia to act as a Patent Agent for the filing and prosecution of two (2) IP applications
Signing Authority for the Approval of Purchase Request, Food Request and Disbursement Voucher)
Authorizing Mr. Caezar Angelito E. Arceo to act as a Patent Agent for the filing and prosecution of three (3) IP applications
Honorarium re; Support to the Commercialization of 500 DOST-Generated Technologies and Strengthening the Country's Intellectual Property and Technology Portfolios (Year 3)
TEC re. Snap On and Off HAndle for Five (5) Gallon Bottle Container of Mr. Carlos N. Detalo