By Geraldine Ducusin

 “The gap is in identifying what resiliency technologies are appropriate for the LGUs to acquire,” Engr. Noel M. Ajoc, Regional Director, Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Regional XIII, said during the 2024 HANDA Pilipinas Cebu leg press conference.

Ajoc added that when he was tasked to deploy close to 200 early warning devices in Caraga, he found that the LGUs already have a lot of learning acquired from a number of trainings DOST conducted. The gap, though is in determining what appropriate technologies to acquire.


DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum agreed that there’s a need to assist the LGUs in determining which resiliency technologies are needed, citing that there are some technologies where it’s enough for the provincial government to have it, but not necessarily one per municipality. And there are other technologies where it will help for each LGUs to have one. The Local governments can tap DOST to assist them in determining which technologies or tools are necessary to acquire at their level. 

One of the technologies exhibited at the 2024 HANDA Pilipinas Cebu leg is the Mobile Command and Control Vehicle (MOCCOV), a disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation technology developed after typhoons Yolanda, Odette, Ondoy and was funded by the DOST Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (DOST CEST).

MOCCOV is a solar-powered, homegrown solution tailored to Philippine emergencies. It can independently operate even when there’s power interruptions. This technology was tested to withstand various regional terrains. Some of the local government which already use MOCCOV are  cities of Pasig, Pasay, and Muntinlupa. MOCCOV is a product of a 10-year research and development and the model continues to improve to make it more responsive to the disaster needs of the localities. It can also be customized and fabricated depending on the specific requirements of the LGUs.

“Ideally the command control can be one per province. What we’re doing now is introduce the technology,” Secretary said on MOCCOV that’s on exhibit at the HANDA Pilipinas. 


Secretary Solidum said that the purchase of resiliency or DRRM equipment or gadgets should also be planned well. While not everyone can be provided for or can acquire all the technologies, there are technologies, such as PlanSmart of DOST which are free, and all they have to do is request DOST-PHIVOLCS to provide them with the training.

Ajoc also mentioned that HANDA Pilipinas is a sort of marketing event that features various resiliency technologies. While DOST may have conducted a lot of events, sometimes the information on the technologies didn’t reach the local government. 

HANDA Pilipinas is one avenue where these technologies are promoted and it’s also a venue where exchange of information happens at the local level. This helps the government executives gather insights, so that the engineers, technology, and scientists would know what to develop based on the needs of the communities.

DOST-VII hosts the Visayas leg of HANDA Pilipinas 2024: Innovations in Climate and Disaster Resilience Nationwide Exposition at the Waterfront  Cebu City Hotel. The 3-day event gather local chief executives, Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) officers from different parts of the Visayas, some national government offices including Office of the Civil Defense (OCD), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Philippines Information Agency (PIA), technology innovators and academe.  DOST-Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI) managed this year’s HANDA exhibit, in collaboration with DOST-Regions VII, I, VIII and X, and DOST agencies (TAPI news service).

By Elijah Espiritu

With the influx of infrastructure projects throughout the century, buildings are needed to adhere to safety measures against natural occurrences such as typhoons, and earthquakes. However, seismic instruments and technology are sometimes too expensive to afford, which sometimes could lead to buildings having substandard quality against earthquakes.

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The QBX - Strong Motion Accelerograph (SMA) provides accessible and affordable seismic instruments which enables building managers to make decisions and enhance safety protocols for occupants. The system offers valuable real-time intensity reports through an intuitive graphical interface, facilitating immediate evacuation if necessary.

The product functions for a broader range of applications than traditional seismographs and accelerographs. Data collected from QBX-SMA include structural health monitoring, seismic notification (via SMS), post-earthquake assessment, and other industrial geophysical applications for vibration monitoring, geotechnical, and geophysical surveys.

A Cheaper but Better Solution

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Traditional seismic recording devices can be compared with an airplane’s “black box” which functions as an indestructible device that collects data for investigation in the event of a building’s collapse.

Co-founder and Industrial Designer of Tekton Geomatrix, Ryan Sabio recounted his team’s efforts to develop a cheaper and better seismic recording device. He said that buildings that are unable to afford seismic technologies can put the lives of its occupants at risk.

“It is the intention of the QBX-SMA Project to provide affordable and accessible seismic instruments that can be used by “neglected buildings” which are unable to afford or prioritize acquiring seismic technology … Through these initiatives, the QBX-SMA Project aims to mitigate the risk of loss of life and property damage during earthquakes, promoting resilience and safety in vulnerable buildings.”

Ryan Sabio
On the purpose of QBX-SMA

The Science Behind the Solution

Tekton Geomatrix Inc. has introduced the QBX-SMA, an innovative seismic detection device designed to be cost-effective, user-friendly, low-maintenance, and energy-efficient. By placing three units strategically at the top, middle, and bottom levels of a building, the device ensures precise monitoring of seismic activity.

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The device sends early warning text messages to building occupants based on its seismic data. This data is also uploaded to the “Trion” cloud network for use by building operators, property managers, and government agencies, helping to facilitate immediate evacuation during significant seismic events.

The QBX-SMA is eco-friendly, consuming just 5-12V of power and being made of 70% recycled materials and locally sourced components. This sustainable design reduces the carbon footprint and keeps production affordable and replicable.

Beyond the Horizon: Challenges and Opportunities

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In spite of its current success, QBX-SMA still faced challenges, especially during the technology’s development and adoption process. With the help of government programs from the Department of Science and Technology - Technology Application Promotions Institute (DOST-TAPI), Tekton Geomatrix Inc. was able to commercialize their product and collaborate with adopters of their technology.

With continuous support from Philippine government agencies, QBX-SMA is primed to showcase at the upcoming WorldInvent Singapore 2024.

Sabio expressed the QBX-SMA team’s excitement for the event where they hope to gain valuable experience and insight from other presenters. They also plan to establish a catalog of connections to expand their local and international market potential.

“We plan to leverage the exposure provided by WORLDinvent Singapore to access a network of opportunities, showcase our invention, and establish connections with investors. This exposure will also impact our product by bringing it to the market and attracting potential investors.”

Ryan Sabio
On QBX-SMA’s internationalization

** This article is part of the "SPICE: Science and Technology Promotion for International Contest and Exhibits" campaign for the participants of the WorldInvent Singapore 2024. For more information and event updates, visit the DOST-TAPI website at**